Thursday, March 27, 2008

Book Review - Ramona the Pest


Today I am going to write about "Ramona the Pest". Beverly Clearly wrote the book. The book came out in 1968. The book is about everyone calling Ramona a pest. A pest is someone who is annoying. There are 211 pages in the book.

At the beginning, Ramona starts kindergarten. She makes a lot of noise. She was singing a loud song. Later, she brings her doll to show and tell. Her doll’s name is Chevrolet. She named it after a car. I don’t know why she named it after a car, but I think she likes the car. At the end, well not exactly at the end, but later again, Howie gives Ramona the ribbon. Ramona wanted the ribbon because it was tied on her bunny when Howie borrowed it.

My favorite part was when Ramona learned how to print her name. It’s my favorite part because I like it when I printed my name for my school and home work. I also like when Ramona bought her new boots. I don’t know if Ramona is still a pest at the end because the book tells me nothing.

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